Witte vlag in The Book Lovers Pop-up Store / De Appel arts centre
January 26, 2014
The Book Lovers presents the first (pop-up) bookstore dedicated exclusively to artist novels. The bookstore is hosted by de Appel arts centre and run by Buchhandlung Walther König. For the first time the novels will not only be on display for public’s perusal, but also available for sale, fulfilling in this way the public dimension inherent to the novel format. In addition to this, the full collection of artist novels will be on display, borrowed for the occasion from MuHKA in Antwerp.
The novel Witte vlag by Emily Kocken is part of the collection and will also be present in the store.
There will be an accompanying public program of performances. The opening will be on 28 January.
Opening 28 January 18:00 – 21:00
Among others: Jaap Blonk, avant-garde composer and performance artist, reads an excerpt from Guy de Cointet’s novel Espahor Ledet Ko Uluner! and Mark Geffriaud (photo) performs A New Refutation of Time.
1 February 14:00 – 21:00
Performance Simultaneous by Heman Chong, artist, curator and writer.
Opening hours
Tuesday 28 January: 18:00 – 21:00 Opening
Wednesday 29 – Friday 31 January: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday 1 February: 12:00 – 21:00
Sunday 2 February: 10:00 – 18:00
De Appel Arts Centre
Prins Hendrikkade 142
1011 AT Amsterdam